
更新时间:2022-03-02 18:28点击:







Unit 33 Paying Compliments to Your Teacher
第三十三单元 称赞你的老师
1. You're such a wonderful teacher. 2. You're the best teacher I've ever had.
1. 你真是个非常棒的 老师. 2. 你是我碰到过的 最好的老师.
3. You changed my life. 4. I really admire you. You're my hero.
3. 你改变了我的人生. 4. 我真的很崇拜你. 你是我的英雄.
5. Your English is amazing! 6. Thank you for all you do for us.
5. 你的英语很出色! 6. 谢谢你为我们做的 一切.
7. You really are amazing. 8. You inspired me to learn English.
7. 你真的很棒. 8. 你鼓励了我学英语.
9. You have a gift for teaching.
9. 你有教学的天赋.
10. You really are a talented teacher. You're the best teacher I've ever had.
你真是个有才华的老师 你是我碰到过的最好的 老师.
You're a great role model. I'll never forget you.
你是一个好榜样. 我永远不会忘记你.

Special Tribute
1. A: You're such a wonderful teacher. B: Thank you. You're an amazing student.
1. A: 你真是个非常棒 的老师. B: 谢谢.你是一个 非常棒的学生.
2. A: You're the best teacher I've ever had.
2. A: 你是我碰到过的 最好的老师.
B: I'm glad you think so. That's the best compliment I've ever received.
B: 很高兴这么认为. 这是我听到过的最好 的赞扬.
3. A: You changed my life.
3. A: 你改变了我的 人生.
B: That's very nice of you to say that.
B: 你这样说真是太好 了.
I'm really happy I could help in some way.
我真的很高兴我能帮上 点忙.
4. A: I really admire you. You're my hero. B: I'm extremely flattered.
4. A: 我真的很崇拜你 你是我的英雄. B: 你真是太过奖了.
5. A: Your English is amazing! B: I grew up in America.
5. A: 你的英语很出色 B: 我是在美国长大的.
6. A: Thank you for all you do for us. B: It has been my pleasure.
6. A: 谢谢你为我们做 的一切. B: 这是我的荣幸.
7. A: You really are amazing. B: You're amazing, too.
7. A: 你真的很棒. B: 你也很棒.
8. A: You inspired me to learn English. B: I was also inspired by my teacher.
8. A: 你鼓励了我学 英语. B: 我也是受了我的 老师的鼓励.
9. A: You have a gift for teaching. B: You have a gift for learning.
9. A: 你有教学的天赋 B: 你有学习的天赋.
10. A: You really are a talented teacher.
10. A: 你真是个有 才华的老师.
You're the best teacher I've ever had I'll never forget you.
你是我碰到过的最好的 老师.我永远不会忘记 你.
B: I've had a wonderful time teaching you.
B: 我很高兴教你.
Unit 34 Taking Pictures





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