更新时间:2022-06-11 16:42点击:
作乐 to make merry
笑柄 a laughing stock
梦乡 in one's dream land
门外汉 an outsider
皮包骨 all skin and bones/skinny/bony
祸不单行 It never rains but pour
一眼看穿 to see through at a glance
看穿把戏 to seethrough the trickery
混水摸鱼 to fish in troubled waters
半途而废 to do something by halves
保住面子 save one's face;(lose face 丢脸)
铁石心肠 a heart of stone/stone—hearted
趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot.
花钱如水 to spend money like water
一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出 to go in at one ear and out at the other
实事求是 to seek truth fromfacts
眼高手底 to want to grasp what is beyond one's reach
欲盖弥彰 The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.
自立 to stand on one's own feet
说实话 call a spade a spade
15 倾盆大雨 It rains cats and dogs.
一视同仁 fair field and no favour
同舟共济 to be in the same boat
镜花水月 moonshine in water
火上加油 to pour oil on the flames
三心二意 to be in two minds
一模一样 as alike as two peas
人山人海 a sea of faces
欲速不达 haste makes waste
字里行间 to read between the lines
业精于勤 practice makes perfect
白纸黑字 in black and white
一知半解 a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
沽名钓誉 to fish for compliments
心直口快 towear one's heart on one's sleeves
不遗余力 to spare no effort (to leave no stone unturned)
一箭双雕;一举两得 to kill two birds with one stone
谦受益,满招损 Pride goes before fall
闯祸 a bull in a china shop
开夜车 to burn the midnight oil
对牛弹琴 to cast pearls to the swine
害群之马 a black sheep
不伦不类 neither fish nor flesh
雨后春笋 to spring up like mushrooms
掌上明珠 the apple of one's eye
乱七八糟 to be at sixes and sevens
千载难逢 once in a blue moon
进退两难,进退维谷 on the horns of a dilemma
骑墙 to sit on the fence
伤感情 to wound one's feelings
见世面 to see the world
智穷才尽 at one's wits end
醉翁之意不在酒 Many kiss a baby for the nurse's sake.
作乐 to make merry
笑柄 a laughing stock
梦乡 in one's dream land
门外汉 an outsider
皮包骨 all skin and bones/skinny/bony
祸不单行 It never rains but pour
一眼看穿 to see through at a glance
看穿把戏 to seethrough the trickery
混水摸鱼 to fish in troubled waters
半途而废 to do something by halves
保住面子 save one's face;(lose face 丢脸)
铁石心肠 a heart of stone/stone—hearted
趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot.
花钱如水 to spend money like water
一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出 to go in at one ear and out at the other
实事求是 to seek truth fromfacts
眼高手底 to want to grasp what is beyond one's reach
欲盖弥彰 The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.
自立 to stand on one's own feet
说实话 call a spade a spade
15 倾盆大雨 It rains cats and dogs.
一视同仁 fair field and no favour
同舟共济 to be in the same boat
镜花水月 moonshine in water
火上加油 to pour oil on the flames
三心二意 to be in two minds
一模一样 as alike as two peas
人山人海 a sea of faces
欲速不达 haste makes waste
字里行间 to read between the lines
业精于勤 practice makes perfect
白纸黑字 in black and white
一知半解 a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
沽名钓誉 to fish for compliments
心直口快 towear one's heart on one's sleeves
不遗余力 to spare no effort (to leave no stone unturned)
一箭双雕;一举两得 to kill two birds with one stone
谦受益,满招损 Pride goes before fall
闯祸 a bull in a china shop
开夜车 to burn the midnight oil
对牛弹琴 to cast pearls to the swine
害群之马 a black sheep
不伦不类 neither fish nor flesh
雨后春笋 to spring up like mushrooms
掌上明珠 the apple of one's eye
乱七八糟 to be at sixes and sevens
千载难逢 once in a blue moon
进退两难,进退维谷 on the horns of a dilemma
骑墙 to sit on the fence
伤感情 to wound one's feelings
见世面 to see the world
智穷才尽 at one's wits end
醉翁之意不在酒 Many kiss a baby for the nurse's sake.