
更新时间:2022-06-09 11:08点击:







Lesson 128
(1) T: Is he a doctor or a dentist?他是医生还是牙医?
S: He can't be a doctor. He must be a dentist.他不可能是医生。他肯定是牙医。
(2) T: Is she Danish or Norwegian?她是丹麦人还是挪威人?
S: She can't be Danish. She must be Norwegian.她不可能是丹麦人。他肯定是挪威人。
(3) T: Are they listening to the stereo or watching television?他们在听音乐还是在看电视?
S: They can't be listening to the stereo.   他们不可能听音乐。
     They must be watching television.   他们一定在看电视。
4 T: Is it the 1st or the 2nd today?      今天是一号还是二号?
S: It can't be the 1st.  不可能是一号、
     It must be the 2nd. 肯定是二号。
5 T: Are they Austrian or German?他们是奥地利人还是德国人?
S: They can't be Austrian. 他们不可能是奥地利人。
      They must be German.他们一定是德国人、
6 T: Is she 32 or 30?   她是32岁还是30岁?
S: She can't be 32.   她不可能是32岁
     She must be 30.  她一定是30岁。
7 T: Is it cheap or expensive? 它是便宜还是贵?
S: It can't be cheap. 它不可能便宜,
    It must be expensive.它肯定很贵。
8 T: Is he shaving or having a bath?他是在刮胡子还是在洗澡。
S: He can't be shaving.他不可能在刮胡子。
    He must be having a bath.他一定在洗澡。
9 T: Is he the oldest or the youngest in the family?他是家里最大的还是最小的?
S: He can't be the oldest. 他不可能是最大的。
    He must be the youngest.、他肯定是最小的。
10 T: Are they mechanics or engineers?他们是技师还是工程师?
S: They can't be mechanics. 他不可能是技师。
     They must be engineers.他肯定是工程师。
Lesson 130
(1) T: Was he a conductor or a bus driver?他是售票员还是公车司机?
S: He can't have been a conductor.他不可能是售票员。
    He must have been a bus driver.他肯定是公车司机。
(2) T: Was she Chinese or Japanese?她是中国人还是日本人?
S: She can't have been Chinese. 她不可能是中国人。
    She must have been Japanese.他肯定是日本人,
(3) T: Were they listening to the stereo or watching television?他们在听音乐还是在看电视?
S: They can't have been listening to the stereo. 他们不可能在听音乐。
    They must have been watching television.他们肯定在看电视。
4 T: Was it the 24th or the 25th yesterday?昨天是24号还是25号。
S: It can't have been the 24th. 不可能是24号。
    It must have been the 25th. 肯定是25号。
5 T: Were they English or American? 他们是英国人还是美国人。
S: They can't have been English. 他们不可能是英国人。
    They must have been American.他们肯定是美国人。
6 T: Was your pencil sharp or blunt?你的铅笔是尖还是钝?
S: It can't have been sharp. 它不可能尖、
    It must have been blunt.它肯定很钝。
7 T: Was she dusting the table or sweeping the floor?她在掸桌子还是在擦地板?
S: She can't have been dusting the table.她不可能掸桌子。
     She must have been sweeping the floor.他肯定在擦地板。
8 T: Was he the oldest or the youngest in the family?他是家里最大的还是最小的?
S: He can't have been the oldest. 他不可能是最大的。
    He must have been the youngest.他肯定是最小的。
9 T: Was she 20 or 25?她是20还是25?
S: She can't have been 20. 她不可能是是20
    She must have been 25.她肯定是25
10 T: Were they mechanics or engineers?他们是技师还是工程师
S: They can't have been mechanics.他们不可能是技师。
     They must have been engineers.他们肯定是工程师、





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