
更新时间:2022-06-25 17:20点击:








Lesson 108
(1) T: This policeman is tall.这个警察很高。
S: But that one is taller. 但是那个更高。He is the tallest policeman I have ever seen.他是我见过最高的警察。
(2) T: This woman is short.这个女人很矮。
S: But that one is shorter. 但是那个更矮,She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.她是我见过最矮的女人。
(3) T: These cars are cheap.这些小汽车很便宜。
S: But those cars are cheaper. 但是那些更便宜, They are the cheapest cars I have ever seen.他们是我见过的最便宜的汽车。
4 T: This knife is sharp.这把刀很锋利。
S: But that one is sharper. 但那把刀更锋利, It is the sharpest knife I have ever seen.它是我见过的最锋利的刀。
5T: This girl is pretty.这个女孩很漂亮。
S: But that one is prettier. 但是那个更漂亮, She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.她是我见过最漂亮的女孩。
6 T: These office assistants are lazy.这些办公室助理很懒、
S: But those office assistants are lazier. 但是那些办公室助理更懒,
They are the laziest office assistants I have ever seen.他们是我见过的最懒的办公室助理。
7 T: This church is big.这个教堂很大、
S: But that one is bigger但是那个更大,. It is the biggest church I have ever seen.它是我见过的最大的教堂。
8 T: This test is easy.这套试卷很简单。
S:But that one is easier. 但那套试卷更简单, It is the easiest test I have ever seen.它是我见过的最简单的试卷。
9 T: This knife is blunt.这把刀很钝
S: But that one is blunter. 但是那个更钝些,It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.它是我见过的最钝的刀。
10 T: This boy is thin.这个男孩很瘦。
S: But that one is thinner. 但是那个更瘦, He is the thinnest boy I have ever seen.他是我见过的最瘦的男孩。
Lesson 110
(1) T: I've got some coffee.我有些咖啡
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些。 I've got very little.我只有一点。
(2) T: I've got some books.我有些书。
S: I've got fewer than you have. 我的比你少一些, I've got very few.我只有一点。
(3) T: I've got some meat.我有些肉。
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些,I've got very little.我只有一点。
4 T: I've got some money.我有些钱。
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些,I've got very little.我只有一点。
5 T: I've got some vegetables.我有些蔬菜
S: I've got fewer than you have. 我的比你少一些, I've got very few.我只有一点。
6 T: I've got some biscuits.我有些饼干
S: I've got fewer than you have. 我的比你少一些, I've got very few.我只吃了一点。
7 T: I've got some stationery.我有些文具
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些I've got very little.,我只有一点。
8 T: I've got some chocolate.我有些巧克力
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些,I've got very little.我只有一点。
9 T: I've got some presents.我有些礼物
S: I've got fewer than you have. 我的比你少一些I've got very few.,我只有一点。
10 T: I've got some ink.我有些牛奶
S: I've got less than you have. 我的比你少一些, I've got very little.我只有一点。





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