• 旅游英语高频用语---Ordering Dishes点菜用餐 2013-03-23 17:17:40
    *就坐用餐 1. I made a reservation for two at 19:15 in name of Bill Black. 我以比尔.布莱克的名义移订了一张19:15的双人桌。 2. What kind of potatoes would you like to go with it? 你喜欢配什么样的土豆呢? 3. This food is best while it is hot. P... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Youth Hostel青年旅社 2013-03-23 17:09:58
    *登记入住 1. Are there any vacant beds for us? 还有空床位提供给我们吗? 2. How many people share a room? 几个人一间房呢? 3. Do you enjoy life at the Youth Hostel? 你喜欢住在青年旅社里吗? 4. Of course. How do you like your room? 当然,你们想... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Checking Out And Paying The Bill退房缴费 2013-03-22 17:53:53
    *要求退房 1. I want to check out in 20 minutes. 我想在20分钟后退房。 2. Check out, please. Here is the key. 我要退房,这是钥匙. 3. Could you tell me your room number? 请问你的房间号码是多少? 4. One moment, please. Ill get your bill. Yes, M... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Complaints投诉抱怨 2013-03-22 17:14:16
    *客人投诉 1. I checked my returned laundry, and found a piece was lost. 我检查了一下送还的衣服,发现少了一件。 2. You stated that you need to change to another room. May I know what the problem is with your room? 你说你需要换房,我能知道你... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Calling Service电话服务 2013-03-19 17:08:50
    *了解资讯 1. Im phoning from China. I want some information before making a reservation. 我是从中国打电话过来的。我想在订房之前了解一些资讯。 2. I want to know how far the hotel is from the airport? 我想知道从机场到酒店有多远? 3. Is there... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Housekeeping客房服务 2013-03-19 17:03:23
    *清理房间 1. Im sorry to disturb you, but may I clean the room now? 抱歉打扰你,我现在可以清理房间吗? 2. Would you like me to draw the curtains for you, sir? 要我为你把窗帘拉上吗,先生? 3. Could you tidy up the bathroom first? Ive just tak... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Checking In登记入住 2013-03-19 16:55:31
    *前台问询 1. Have you made a reservation, madam? 女士,你有预订吗? 2. When did you make the reservation? 你是什么时候预订的? 3. Well, we are full at the moment. But there is one available on the second floor, which faces the street. But it... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Accommodation宾馆住宿 2013-03-19 16:48:44
    *确定日期 1. Can I reserve a double room on the night of June 1st? 我可以预订6月1日的一个双人间吗? 2. Id like to reserve a double room from the 14th to 17th of Aug. 我想订一个8月14号到17号的双人间。 3. Id like to book a double room for Tue... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Vehicle-renting Service租车服务 2013-03-18 18:19:21
    *咨询事宜 1. I want to rent this car for 5 days. By the way, do I have to return the car here? 我想租五天车。顺便问一下,我必须在这里还车吗? 2. Id like to rent a car for several days. 我想租几天车。 3. Do I have to pay an extra charge for... 【阅读全文】
  • 旅游英语高频用语---Taking A Taxi乘坐出租 2013-03-18 18:12:28
    *乘坐出租 1. Could you send a taxi to Hilton Hotel? 你能派辆出租车到希尔顿饭店吗? 2. Can you take me to the airport? 请送我去机场好吗? 3. How much is the fare? 多少钱? 4. OK. A taxi will be there in less than ten minutes. 好的,车子十分钟... 【阅读全文】
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