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Unit 7 How Much Are These Socks?(Section A 1a-2d)  
【Teaching content】 
 PEP(Go For It) Junior English book For Grade 7
【Analysis of teaching material and function】        
 The content of the textbook revolves around asking about the price,  so that  students can learn to talk about clothes, such as color, size, etc. 
The teaching content of this unit is closely related to students' real life, and it is easy for students to use simple English for communication. 
In learning activities, the use of sentence patterns for communication, cultivate   students' oral expression ability.        
Let the students review and consolidate the previous knowledge in learning   and application, innovate and use it in practice. Integrate the knowledge so that students   can have an overall understanding in their mind. Classroom teaching is based on  situational teaching, trying to give students enough opportunities to listen, speak and  read, connecting with practice, creating situations, introducing discussion topics, and learning English in communication. 
【Analysis of the students】
The students in Grade 7 should show enthusiasm and initial self-confidence in  English learning. 
Be able to understand passages and short stories about familiar topics.  Be able to talk with teachers or classmates on familiar topics(school, family life, for  example) exchange information. 
Be able to read short stories and other simple written materials. Be able to write   simple sentences with examples or pictures.  Can participate in simple role play and other activities.
【Teaching aims】
(一)Knowledge aims
1.   Mater the following words : socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe,   skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take.
2.Talk about clothes and ask about prices.
3.Grasp  the  simple  sentence  pattern:
How much is...? It’s...
How much are...? They’re...
(二)Ability aims
1.The students have ability to use some adjectives to modify the nouns.
2.The students have ability to ask and answer about shopping by using the sentence pattern: 
How much is...? It’s... 
How much are...? They’re...
(三)Emotional Aims
1. Teach student show to use salary wisely and treasure money through the    dialogue practice of shopping.
【Teaching Methods】Situational Teaching Methods, Game Teaching Method,   Communicative Teaching Method, Task-based Teaching Approach.
【Key points and difficult points】
Key points
1. Master the vocabulary: socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar,   big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take.
2.Students can use and understand the sentence structure: 
How much  is...?  It’s...  
How much  are...? They’re...
Difficult points:
1..Talk about clothing and ask about prices.
2.  Use the simple question sentence structure  
“How much is...? It’s... How much are...? They’re...” in the real life scene.
【Teaching preparation】
Teacher’s preparation:
.Classify the clothes: Ask two volunteers to  divide  the clothes on the blackboard.
T:  I will ask two assistants to help me classify the clothes. Hanging the same types of clothes together.
on the blackboard.
Number the clothes from number1 to number
8.Show and teach the new words: hat ,sweater, skirt, shorts, shoes, trousers and socks  one by one by helping of phonetic symbols and connect the same pictures on the blackboard.
(Design philosophy:New words are the basic parts of this class and they are also the   foundation of the conversation learning.)
2.Crammer points.
(1)Lead the students to describe the clothes about their colors, sizes and so on. And lead them to find out the rules. 
Rules: size+color
T: What color is this hat? Is it big or small?
(2)Match the words and make sentences.
Match different types of words with nouns, adjectives and lead the students to make sentence according to the results.
(Design philosophy:The content of this conversation are related to the colors and  size and the students need to know the right order when the meet each other.)
3.Dialogue1.Listening practice
T:My clothes store is tidy and clean now. But my assistants don’t know what my customers want to buy and what the prices of my clothes. Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.
2. Check the answers one by one.
(Design philosophy:Listening practice is the basic requirement of the English learning and this part is tent to improve students listening skills.)
3.Play a game.
Ask six students to come to the blackboard and choose one red packet from six and give the paper money as the prize according to the number showing in the red packet.
Teach the students to identify the symbols of the dollar and yuan, as well as the relationship between the dollar and yuan.
(Design  philosophy:Games are so welcomed in the class. especially in the English class. This game is not only for create a good atmosphere but also to teach students to know the differences between dollars and yuan.)
1.Listen to the conversation and match the price.
Listen to the conversation again and fill in the prices of the clothes in the chart.  
Ask one student to be another assistant to the blackboard and answer the questions about price and put the right price tags under the clothes.
T: I need another assistant come to the blackboard and put the price tags on the right clothes.
S:How much is/are...?
As: It’s/They’re...
Give one of the clothes as a prize.
(Design philosophy:Listen again and get the details of the conversation is a good way to train students listening skills.)
2.Discuss in groups and make a poster.
Give the students two minutes to discuss in groups and make a poster for the clothes store.
T:Boys and girls, my clothes store is opening for business. But what a pity. I don’t have a poster, can you make a poster for me?
Discuss in groups and draw poster together.
Show the poster they have designed.
Practice in pairs and then show the dialogue.. 
T:It’s time for you to come to my clothes store to buy your favourite clothes.
Provide some useful sentences which are common used during the shopping activity.
(Design philosophy.
Give the students more chances to get the sense of achievement from the exercises   and performance.)
1.Choose one situation to work in four and make a conversation 
3.Moral promotion. How to save the money?
Donate the money to the people needed to help the students to know use the money  to help others will make our world more beautiful.
(Design philosophy: Teach students how to use salary wisely and treasure money. set  up the correct life-view and value-view.)
Step5:Summary and homework.
(1)..Sum  up  the  way  to  get  and  use  money. Lead  the students to know use the money wisely.
(2).Summarize the group final store.
(1).Practice to write the words on assignment book.
(2).Ask and answer about fruits by using the sentences we have learned today.
(Design philosophy: Both the basic practice and spoken practice are important in this lesson’s homework.)
Unit 7 How much are these sock?





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