
更新时间:2021-08-26 09:27点击:







Unit 8 When is your birthday? (Section B 2a-3b) 教学设计   
I. Teaching objectives
1. Language knowledge   Students can read and write the following phrases, soccer game, school trip, School Day, book sale, English Day, art festival, Sports Day and party with 100% accuracy. 
2. Language skills
Students can talk about the dates of different activities and know how to write notes.3. Culture and affect Students are able to love their school and school lives.
II. Key points and difficulties Students can talk about the dates of different activities  and know how to write notes.
III. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
①  Play a short video about school activities. After it, ask students, “What activities did you see in the video?”
②  Lead students to check (√) the activities they have at school on their books.
① Watch a video and answer this question, “What activities did you see in the video?”② Guess the activities.
③ Check (√)the activities they have at school on their books.
I use a video to arouse their interests so that they can be involved into the topic quickly and joyfully.
Step 2 Skimming
Let students read 2b and answer these questions, 
“What kind of text is it? 
How do you know that?”
Read 2b and answer the questions, 
“What kind of text is it? 
How do you know that?”
I design this part because in this way students can pay attention to the genre of the text.
Step 3 Scanning
①  Ask students to read the notice again and list the dates and the activities.
②  Lead students to read after the tape and retell the passage by only looking at the table they have finished just now in groups
.①  Read the notice again. List the dates and the activities.
②  Read after the tape and retell the passage
by only looking at the table they have finished just now in groups.
In this part, I help students read and pay attention to the expressions of dates. Students use a table to retell the passage. In this way, they can code and transform the knowledge into their own knowledge.
Step 4 Free talk
Ask one student to go to the blackboard to rank the activities from 2b they like. Then let them have a free talk about it.
What activities from 2b do you like? Rank them 1-7.
Have a free talk about it. In this way, students can talk about the things they like. 
Since it can practice the ability of analysis, it can also improve their thinking qualities.
Step 5 I’m the headmaster If you are the headmaster, what’s your plan for next term? Ask students to talk in groups, and complete the chart. Then give a report before the whole class.
Complete the chart and give us a report before the whole class. In this part, I’d like to design a task which are related to the real life of students and help the students learn to use it in an authentic context. Besides, it is really exciting for students to try being a headmaster
Step 6 Writing
①  Ask students to complete the note with the words in the box.
②  Lead students to write a note their friends. Invite him/her to an activity in our school.
③  Ask students to change their compositions with their desk mates and try to give a point and tell the reason.
①  Complete the note with the words in the box. 
②  Write a note to their friends. Invite him/her to an activity in our school. 
③  Change their compositions with their desk mates and try to give a point and tell the reason. 
At first, I give students a model. Then I ask them to follow the model and write their own note.
 In this way, they can know how to write a note in their daily lives. It can also develop communicative strategies.
Step 7 Summary and practice
Ask students what they have learned in this class and play a game.
Summarize what they have learned in this class and play a game
Students are very tired after a long time of learning, so I let them play a game to relax them and try to have some fun.
Step 8 Homework
①  Polish your note to your friend.
②   (Optional)Write  an  article  about  your  school  activities  and  the dates by using today’s text as a model




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