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Queen of the Ice
I get into position and take a deep breath. The music starts and my mind focuses on one thing: my figure skating (花样滑冰) routine. Dressed in my shining blue dress and    35    across the ice, I feel free. I started figure skating again in 2018 after the Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games. However, relearning figure skating at an older age is not    36   . Balancing on those 1.5 mm wide steel blades (冰刀) and stepping onto the clear ice for the first time in years, feelings of excitement and panic overwhelmed (充满) me at the same time. I did not remember any of the    37    or spins that I had learned as a child. To make my anxiety worse, kids much younger than me were doing double or triple rotation jumps (旋转与跳跃) and difficult spin variations. I felt so out of place. 
Did I really    38    here?" You have as much right to be here as anyone else,” my Olympian coach encouraged me. I was very grateful that I had found a coach that treated me the same as her other students who competed internationally. Every day at practice, she    39    me beyond my limits. The ice is as unforgiving as life. 
During the course of learning new jumps and spins, falls are unavoidable. Whenever I learn a move, I commit to practicing and falling for hours on end, and there would still be a large chance that I could not finish it. Many times I have asked myself, “Was it really worth it? So many hours of practice, and so much    40    spent on coaching and skates, for what?" Despite these pains, every time I feel the wind rushing past my face as I glide across the ice, I am reminded of the reason that I started skating: this is the    41    thing I will get to flying. 
The pain is temporary, but the joy of landing that jump I have worked on for months is something I would not    42    for the world. Fall down seven times, get up eight!
35. A. flying B. skiing C. running D. walking
36. A. hard B. easy C. enjoyable D. possible
37. A. dances B. moves C. jumps D. falls
38. A. try B. work C. care D. belong
39. A. shows B. treats C. helps D. pushes
40. A. time B. energy C. money D. pains
41. A. fastest B. closest C. finest D. easiest
42. A. trade B. change C. earn D. give
【答案】35. A 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. C 41. B 42. A
35. 句意:穿着我闪亮的蓝色裙子,在冰面上飞翔,我感觉很自由。
flying飞翔;skiing滑雪;running跑步;walking步行。根据“Dressed in my shining blue dress and … across the ice”可知,根据滑冰的速度以及文章倒数第二段的最后一句“this is the … thing I will get to flying.”以及选项提供的词汇,可知是感觉自己在冰面上飞翔。故选A。
36. 句意:然而,在年纪较大的时候重新学习花样滑冰并不容易。
hard艰难的;easy容易的;enjoyable有趣的;possible可能的。根据“However, relearning figure skating at an older age is not … .”可知,竞技运动年龄越大越艰难;题干句型表达的是否定,也就是不容易。故选B。
37. 句意:我不记得我小时候学过的任何跳跃和旋转。
dances舞蹈;moves移动;jumps跳跃;falls掉落。根据下文“kids much younger than me were doing double or triple rotation jumps (旋转与跳跃) and difficult spin variations.”结合“I did not remember any of the … or spins that I had learned as a child.”以及生活常识可知,花样滑冰的主体动作是跳跃和旋转。故选C。
38. 句意:我真的属于这里吗?
try尝试;work工作;care关心;belong属于。根据下文“‘You have as much right to be here as anyone else,’ my Olympian coach encouraged me.”可知,此处表示作者曾经持怀疑的心态,觉得自己的年龄不应该再从事这项运动,因此belong“属于”符合语境。故选D。
39. 句意:在每天的训练中,她都把我逼得超出我的极限。
shows展示;treats对待;helps帮助;pushes督促、向……施压。根据上文“I was very grateful that I had found a coach that treated me the same as her other students who competed internationally. ”及体育运动的训练方式,可知是超过极限地强制性训练,因此用pushes。故选D。
40. 句意:花这么多时间练习,花这么多钱在教练和溜冰鞋上,是为了什么?
time时间;energy精力;money金钱;pains疼痛。根据后面的“on coaching and skates”可知,找教练和买花样滑冰的必备器材,都需要花钱,故选C。
41. 句意:尽管有这些痛苦,每次当我在冰面上滑行时,我感到风从我的脸上掠过,我就会想起我开始滑冰的原因:这就是我要的最接近飞翔的感觉。
fastest最快的;closest最近的;finest 最好的;easiest最容易的。根据上文“Despite these pains, every time I feel the wind rushing past my face as I glide across the ice, I am reminded of the reason that I started skating: this is the … thing I will get to flying.”结合选项,可知用closest,表示近似于飞翔的感受,故选B。
42. 句意:这种痛苦是暂时的,但是在我努力了几个月之后,那跳起来落地的喜悦是我用任何东西都不会交易来的。
trade贸易、交易;change改变、变化;earn赚得;give给予。根据“The pain is temporary, but the joy of landing that jump I have worked on for months is something I would not … for the world.”结合选项及语境,可知,经过几个月的努力后,那跳起来落地的喜悦是我用任何东西都不会交易来的,故选A。




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