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课题 Unit 1 Past and present
Reading 1
1. To recognize types of questions used in interviews. 
2. To recognize extended answers to open questions.
3. To infer general meaning from title and context.
1. The understanding of the reading.
2. Some useful expressions.
Step 1 Pre-reading   
Teaching new words by pictures
Past                                      Present
Picture1: There used to be a building.       It is open space.
Picture2: She used to be a happy girl.  She is going to get married. She is going to be a wife.
Picture3: The factory used to dump waste.     It has turned into a 
into the river.                     market, there are many stalls.
Picture4: The poison in the waste polluted the river, many fish died.
The government realized the pollution and reduced it. The river is much cleaner.
Doing Part B1 on page 10   1 b 2 f  3 d  4 c  5 g  6.a  7. e
Step 2 Presentation 
1. Now, look at some pictures. find some Ss to say sth. about the changes between the pictures. 
2. T: Would you like to listen to Mr. Chen, Daniel’s grandpa? Play the tape for Ss 2 times. 
3. T may ask Ss some questions:   
a. How long has Mr. Chen known Sunshine Town?    
b. Did Mr. Chen live there all the time? Why?    
c. Does Mr. Chen think the place changed a lot?    
d. What are the differences between the past and present? 
4. Check the answers. If they can not answer. Explain some difficult points. 
Step 3 Practice
Finish off the exercises of part B2on P10 (T/F).
Correct the sentences.
1) Mr. Chen knows little about Sunshine Town.                       
2) Mr. Chen moved away from his parents when he got married.                                      
3) There is a large shopping mall in Sunshine Town now.                                                      
4) The steel factory once put its waste into the Sunshine River.                   
5) It’s easy for Mr. Chen to see his old friends now.                    
Step 4 Have an interview
1. Sandy wants to learn more about the history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millie some questions. First complete the talk.
Sandy: Tell me more about your interview with Mr. Chen,
Millie: Yes, 
Sandy: What was the town like in the past?
Millie: … 
Sandy: What did Mr. Chen say about the …?
Millie: …
Step 5  Writing 
Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine Town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the article with some useful information.
Sunshine Town _______________ over the years. People now have a _______________town. The _________ from the steel factory was once a problem….
Step 6 Summarize
a. Finish off the exercises. (WB) 
b. Read the conversation and act it out freely. 
c. Ask students to find difficulties and try their best to understand them.





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