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人教新目标英语八年级下册unit1 第一课时-第五课时教案
人教版英语八年级下册Unit2 第一课时-第五课时教学设计
课题 Unit2 i will help clean up the city parks
The 1st period 
1. 围绕ways you could help people 这个话题展开叙述1a,听力1b和口语1c的训练
2. 围绕talk about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day进行听力2A2B和口语2c训练
3. 围绕volunteering的话题学习词汇
学生已经知道的:volunteering  adj志愿的/  volunteer n.志愿者
精讲点拨:volunteer to do sth,
1.生单词sign, advisement, set, establish= set up   set off   give away give out
:hunger, homeless, cheer, Clean up, cheer up, 
, come up with, put off  doing sth, put up a sign,  hand out ,  think up=come up with, call up
2.句型: i’d like to help homeless people
You could give out food at the food bank
We are going to set up a food bank to help hungry people
I am one of the volunteers  I volunteer to help visit kids.
I will hand out advertisement after school.
Let’s clean up the table.      We should 
City Parks Clean-Up Day
教学难点 定语从句的灵活运用
教   学   过   程
Step I. Warming-up
      展示几张需要帮助的人的人或事图片。如sick people, homeless children dirty park, hunger
      Do you like these pictures    No, they make me sad
What can you see in the picture      these are some people who need help.
Can you tell me something about the pictures       the children are very poor, they don;t have money to go to school.
      Ask: what can you do to help these people?
      引学生回答:i would like to .....
Step II. 教学操练
让学生根据图片内容对话,引出volunteer, work, outside, cheer up, help sb with sth, give呕吐, clean up, in the hospital
Step III. 听力训练
Step IV. 小组合作 
  This weekend i will have a birthday party at my home, i have so many things to do , can you tell me?
 OK, i could
 I would like to .....
Step V. 做笔记(语言知识学习)
Step VI. homework纠错与订正 1min Take it easy. My classmate and I are glad to help.
That’s very kind of you!
Helpless  careless
Friendless  hopeless
Homeless  useless
Hunger  hungry
Give out
Give away
Give in
Give off
Put off doing sth,
Put away
Put on
Put up
Put out
Put into
Put up with
Put down
一 巧设引题
If  you  want  to  be  a  warm –hearted  man ,what  should  you  do ?
二 指导自学
1 自己学习本节课的单词和词组
饿,饥饿 --------饥饿的 --------志愿者-------无家可归的 ----
1)打扫干净 ---------2)使振奋,使高兴起来 --------3)分发 -------同义词-------- 
2 What could you do to help your mother at home?
3 Tell us something about the last time you helped others.
4 Look at some pictures, learn the new words: clean up , cheer up, homeless, hunger, give out,
5 1a ,  list  other  ways you  could   help  people
6 Listen to the tape  and  do  1b  
7 Practice conversations 
三 合作探究
1. sick 和ill 的用法区别
sick是形容词,“生病的”, 同义词是ill。 区别在于sick 在句中可做表语和定语,而ill只能做表语。例如:
His father was ___/_____yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. 他的父亲昨天病了,因此他没有去上班。
Tom has looked after the ____girl for a week.汤姆照看那个生病的小女孩已经一星期了。
He is an____ child. 他是一个坏孩子。
2You could help clean up the city parks.
help  v.帮助
*help 作动词help sb. (to) do= help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 
例如:He often helps me (to) study English. = He often helps me with my English.
* help 作名词
例如:Thank you for your_____.
3.I’d like to help homeless people.
homeless adj. 无家可归的  
【拓展】*homeless adj. 无家可归的
 例如:a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩
*home  n. 家 例如:
Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei, and Zhu Ming. 对三个特别的年轻人李惠萍、林蓓和朱明来说第77中学就是家。
*home adv. 在家,到家,向家 例如:He bought a new pen on his way home.
4.I’d like to cheer up sick kids. 
cheer  v. (向某人)欢呼或喝彩 
【拓展】cheer up 意思为“使……高兴起来,使……振奋”,动副短语.若宾语由代词充当,代词应放在动、副词之间。 例如:
We’re trying our best to______ him _______. 
四 巩固提升
@无家可归的 homeless 否定后缀less
拓展 写出下列词的反义词
careful           useful              hopeful           
@What should we do to help those          people?
@He is so          that he made so many mistakes.
Hungry and hunger
@He is            he wants to have a big meal.
@He died of  (死于)         .
ⅠChoose the best answer:
1.How dirty your room is!You must __________.
A. clean up it  B. clean them up  C. clean it up D. clean up them
2.The English teacher asked her to ___test papers.
A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give to 
3.Could you ___the sick children ___their study?
A .help, with B. help, to C. help, in D. help, for
4.Last week he volunteered____ the sick children in the hospital.
A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help
5.The boy is crying. Let’s go to ______.
A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. cheer he up D. cheer up he
ⅡFill in the blanks:
1.These h              children are very poor, we should build a new house for them.
2.Being a v                for the 2008 Olympic Games was great.
3.Xie Ting usually helps me  g                    the exercise books.
4.Tomorrow they are going to the hospital to  c              the sick patients up.
5.In the past many people died because of h______
6.It’s your turn to c               our classroom.





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