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Unit 5 Feeling excited
Unit 6 Enjoying cycling
Unit 7 Food festival
Unit 8 Our clothes
Unit 5 Feeling Excited
Topic 1 You look excited.
Section C
Ⅰ . Teaching  aims
Knowledge aims :
1.  学生能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中单词及短语。
2.  能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。
3.   学生能正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。
4.  学生能正确使用以下短语,复述本课课文,简单地介绍影片大意。
 one of …, care for, become angry, because of , teach sb. to do sth, cheer sb. up, 
Skill aims :
1.  能听懂本课文本材料以及与电影内容相关的课堂用语。
2.  能熟练地口头谈论有关 The Sound of Music 的故事大意及经典音乐的话题。
3.  能准确朗读课本的文本材料,并能正确地朗读相关的文本材料。
4.  能规范地写出有关采访 Mr. Brown 关于 The Sound of Music 的对话。
Emotional aims :
Ⅱ . The key points and difficult points
Key points :
1.  正确运用单词表中单词及短语。
2.  正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。
Difficult points :
1. lonely  和 alone  的区别运用。
2.  采访对话的写作。
Ⅲ . Learning  strategies:
1.  观看英文电影对练习英语发音,语调和听力训练都有很大的帮助。
2.  分工明确的小组学习可以让学生对英语对话及短文的写作步骤有更深刻的理解。
Ⅳ . Teaching aids
 Computer multimedia projector, the flashes of the songs,  The Lonely Goatherd  and  Edelweiss .
Ⅴ . Teaching procedures
Step 1 Review  第一步   复习 ( 时间 : 5 分钟 )
复习 Section B
T:  Let’s review what we learned yesterday. Answer my questions, OK?
Ss:  OK.
T:  How does Mr. Brown feel?
Ss:  He feels disappointed.
T:  Why is he disappointed?
Ss:  Because he couldn’t get a ticket to  The Sound of Music.
T:  What happened to Michael?
Ss:  Michael had a cold.
T:  How about his tickets?
Ss:  Mr. Brown could use his tickets since he was not able to go.
T:  Yes, you’re right. Now, Mr. Brown is in the theater. That is the song he is listening to. Let’s share it together.
T:  What do you think of the song? Do you think it is  lively ?
Ss:  Yeah, it’s good.
T:  Why do you think it’s good?
Ss:  Because it makes me happy and relaxed.
T:  I think so. It can  cheer  us  up . I like to listen to this song when I am sad. It’s the theme song of  The Sound of Music.  Do you know this movie?
Ss:  Yeah. It’s very popular.
T:  Would you like to learn the song?
Ss:  Great!
T:  Now let’s sing the song after the tape.
( 板书 )
lively, cheer up
Step 2 Presentation  第二步   呈现 ( 时间 : 8 分钟 )
呈现 1a 。
1. ( 教师导入新课。 )
T: Well done! It’s a lively song. It’s the theme song of  The Sound of Music . Do you know anything more about this movie? Now let’s look at the poster, and discuss the questions in  1a .
( 教师拿出 The Sound of Music 的海报 ,   展示给学生,讨论 1a 中的问题并核对答案。讲解学生可能看不懂的地方,必要时在黑板上写出中文解释。 )
T:  Please find out who are the starring and the director.
Ss:  Julie Andrews and Robert Wise.
T:  Right. This story happened in  Austria . Can you tell me something about this story?
S 1 :  It’s a story about Maria.
S 2 :  Maria went to care for a family with seven children.
S 3 : The children  cried  and shouted every day. The father was  lonely .
S 4 :   Their father was almost  mad  at their  behaviors   at first , but their father became happy  in the end .
( 通过交流,检查学生的预习情况。以上内容如果学生表述不清楚,教师可帮助学生一起回答。
引出生词和短语: Austria, cry, lonely, mad, at first, in the end 并解释。 )
( 板书 )
Austria , cry, lonely, mad,
at first, in the end=at last
2. ( 让学生自读 1a ,根据上下文猜测生词意思并画出表达情感的词。 )
T: Now we’ve known something about this movie. Please read  1a  by yourselves, and guess the meanings of the new words and phrases according to the context. Then underline the words expressing feelings.
3. ( 让学生说出表示情感的单词。 )
T: Say out the words expressing feelings, please.
sad and tired—lonely—angry—mad—happy
Step 3 Consolidation  第三步   巩固 ( 时间 : 13 分钟 )
复习巩固 1a ,并完成 1b 。
1. ( 让学生阅读 1a ,并画出关键词句。教师把学生总结的关键词句写在黑板上。 )
T: Please read  1a  carefully and underline the key words and sentences.
( 板书 )
popular, movie, story about a young woman, Austria, the Von Trapp family, care for, died, sad and tired, father, angry, lively, perform, play, cheer up, mad, pleased
2. ( 现在再读 1a ,  然后回答 1c 问题。 )
T: Now, let’s read  1a  again and then find the answers to the questions of 1c.
( 呈现小黑板或幻灯片。 )
1.What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?
2.Why were the family sad and tired?
3.How did Maria cheer up the children?
4.What do you think of Maria?
3. ( 教师核对答案,检查学生的理解情况。 )
( 核对完答案后。 )
T: Excellent. Now, let’s listen to  1a  and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Please work in pairs and discuss them. 
( 听完录音,给学生两分钟的讨论时间,然后检查讨论结果。如果学生表达不够简练,教师指正。 )
T:  Group 1, what does Paragraph 1 talk about?
G 1 :   The Sound of Music  is a story about Maria.
T:  Group 2, what about the second paragraph?
G 2 :  It talks about the family. The family looked sad and tired.
T:  Group 3, what’s your idea about Paragraph 3? 
G 3 :  Maria cheered up the family in the end.
Step 4 Practice  第四步   练习 ( 时间 : 10 分钟 )
1. ( 播放歌曲 Do Re Mi 。 )
T:  Do you know this song?
Ss:  Yeah.
T:  Do you know the movie.   What’s it about?
S s: …
2. ( 让学生完成 2a 。 )
T:  Finish  2 by yourselves.  Suppose you are Steve. Interview Mr. Brown about The Sound of Music with the help of the questions below and the text.
3. ( 让学生完成 2b 。 )
T:  Write down the conversation between Steve and Mr. Brown in your exercise book.
4. Homework:
(1)( 每人都要 把 Do Re Mi 这首歌学会唱好,可以跟着录音机, MP4 等,也可同学互相教唱。 )
(2)( 预习 Section D 。了解京剧的信息,可以网上查询或者向喜欢京剧的爷爷、奶奶等人了解。 )
Ⅵ .  Teaching Reflection
The students like the two beautiful songs from  The Sound of Music  very much. The atmosphere of this lesson is active. It’s helpful to English teaching and learning. We should show more information that the students are interested in when we give the English class.
Ⅶ . Blackboard design





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