
更新时间:2022-06-08 06:41点击:







Unit 5 Feeling excited
Unit 6 Enjoying cycling
Unit 7 Food festival
Unit 8 Our clothes
Unit 5 Feeling Excited 
Topic1 You look excited.
Section B
Ⅰ . Teaching aims
Knowledge aims :
1.  学生能掌握 -ing 和 -ed 在词尾的读音,及此类单词的重音位置; 能在朗读中正确读出连 读和句子的语调,并能区分出和读准需要重读的实词。
2.  学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词 seem,  并正确运用以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词。
3.  学生能正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。
4.  学生能自如地运用系表结构的句子进行交流来谈论情绪。
Skill aims :
1.  能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。
2.  能正确地运用带有系表结构的句子表达情绪,能自如地就个人喜好的话题进行交流。
3.  能正确朗读课本的有关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。
4.  能正确地运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。
Emotional aims :
通过对 Section B 的学习,鼓励学生在闲暇时间多参加积极健康的文体活动,开阔视野,陶冶情操,提高个人的自身修养,并能培养他们乐观向上的精神,有助于排解不良的情绪。 Ⅱ . The key points and difficult points
Key points :
1. linking verb+ adjective
2.  正确运用以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词。
Difficult points :
1. 对以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词的理解。
2. 对句子中需重读的词的正确把握。
Ⅲ . Learning  strategies
1.  对同一词根的词的成组理解记忆有助单词记忆速度的提高和对词义的理解。
2.  通过模仿录音重读,连读和语调,让学生知道模仿读音是修正自己读音的很好的学
Ⅳ . Teaching aids
 Computer multimedia projector, phonetic syllable cards, word cards.
Ⅴ . Teaching procedures
Step 1 Review  第一步   复习 ( 时间 : 5 分钟 )
1. ( 教师检查上节课布置的作业,复习系表结构,导出本课的目标语言。要求学生,掌握短语 be proud of 。 )
T: Now let’s check the homework. S 1 ,when you are late for class, how do you feel?
S 1 : I always feel worried and afraid.
T: S 2 , if your pet dog is dead, are you sad?
S 2 : Yes, I must be very sad.
T: When you heard Zhang Yining won the first in the Olympic Games, how did you feel?
S 3 : I felt excited.
S 4 : I felt very pleased.
T: We  are  all  proud of  her, right?
S s : Yes.
( 板书画线部分。 )
upset, be proud of
Step 2 Presentation  第二步   呈现 ( 时间 : 12 分钟 )
呈现并处理本课活动 1a 。
1.  ( 通过谈论京剧,引入本课重点活动 1 a 。要求学生掌握 film , 理解 Beijing Opera , 了解 moving 。 )
T: What music are you listening to?
S 5 : Jing Ju.
 T: Yes, It’s  Beijing Opera . What do you think of it?
S 5 : It’s wonderful. I like it.
S 6 : I don’t like it at all. It’s boring.
T: OK, S 7 , which do you like better, Beijing Opera or movies?
S 7 : I like movies better.
 T: Oh, you mean you like  films . I like films, too.  Love Me  O nce More, Mom  is my favorite. It’s very  moving .
( 板书画线部分。 )
Beijing Opera, film, moving
T: What about Kangkang? What is his favorite?   Let’s listen to 1a and find out which film Kangkang likes best.
( 让学生听 1a 的录音,回答教师问题。听完录音后,教师提问。 )
T:  Which film does Kangkang like best?
Ss:  He likes  Avatar.
T:  Why?
Ss:  …
Step 3 Consolidation  第三步   巩固 ( 时间 : 11 分钟 )
巩固本课 1a, 完成 1b 和 1c 。
1. ( 让学生读 1a ,完成 1b  和  1c 。 )
T: Read 1 and finish 1b and 1c.
2. ( 利用 1c 中的词句复述 1a 内容。 )
   T: Retell 1a according to the key words and sentences in 1c.
Step 4 Practice  第四步   练习 ( 时间 : 10 分钟 )
1. ( 读 2a 中的单词,掌握它们的区别,会使用它们 )
T: Read the words in 2a and master them.
2. ( 让学生完成 2b 的填空练习,并核对答案。 )
T: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.
3. ( 让学生听 3 ,并完成填空练习,并核对答案。 )
T: Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.
4.( 让学生归纳学过的系动词和表示情感的形容词。 )
T: Please sum up the linking verbs and feeling words in Section A and B.
2. Homework:
(1)( 假设你是康康的妈妈,你正在给迈克尔的妈妈打电话。你们会谈些什么呢?请设置一个打电话的对话。 )
T: Suppose you were Kangkang’s mother, you are talking with Michael’s mother on the phone. What are you talking about? Please make a dialog about this.
(2) 预习。
( 查询资料,了解 Section C 中的影片内容。 )
T: Collect some information about the films  The Sound of Music.
Ⅵ .  Teaching Reflection
Students understand the structure of “linking verb + adjective” well and they can make up right sentences with it. But they need more exercises about the usages of adjectives ended with –ed and –ing. They are very interested in the movie  The Sound of Music  after learning Section A and B. It’s helpful for them to learn Section C.
Ⅶ . Blackboard design





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