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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 第6单元 享受骑自行车
Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip. 话题1 我们要去春游。
[05:45.57]Section C C部分
[05:47.58]1. Look, listen and say. 1. 看一看,听录音并说一说。
[05:52.42](Jane is helping Helen work out the cost o the trip.) (Jane正在帮助Helen找出旅行的花费。)
[05:57.39]train tickets (¥ 145×2) + hotel (¥50×2) + gate ticket (¥60) + food (¥50) = total cost (¥500) 火车票(145145×2元)+住宿费(50×2元)+门票(60元)+ 食物(50元)=总计(500元)
[06:20.00]Oh, my God! 500 yuan! I can’t afford it. 哦,天哪!500元!我承担不起。
[06:26.00]Miss Wang told us not to ask our parents for the money. 王小姐告诉我们不能问父母要钱。
[06:30.63]What should I do? 你想要做什么?
[06:32.59]Don’t worry. We can raise the money ourselves. 不要担心。我们能自己攒钱。
[06:36.52]That’s a good idea. American students usually raise money for their field trips. 好主意。美国学生经常为他们的实地考察攒钱。
[06:44.46]2a. Read and understand. 2a. 阅读理解。
[06:48.54]Money Raising in Canadian and American Schools 在加拿大和美国学校募集资金
[06:52.80]It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国学校筹募资金很平常。
[06:58.25]Students, teachers and parents have many special ways to raise money for field trips. 学生们,老师们和家长们有许多特别的方式为实地考察筹募资金。
[07:06.25]Some schools come up with great ideas, such as “King or Queen for a Day”. 一些学校想出一些极好的主意,比如“一日国王”或“一日王后”。
[07:13.66]It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw. 抽签需要花费每个学生没人1美元买票。
[07:19.66]After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is drawn. 票售完之后,有一张票中奖。
[07:24.68]The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day. 中奖的那位学生将会成为下一个教学日的“国王”或“王后”。
[07:32.31]When the student arrives in the morning, the headmaster greets him or her and carries the student’s books. 当学生在早上到达的时候,校长向他/她致敬并带着学生的书。
[07:41.00]The student sits in the headmaster’s chair for the day and even can use the headmaster’s cellphone to call home. 学生坐在校长的位置一天,甚至可以使用校长的电话打回家。
[07:51.00]At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student. 在中午,校长和其他老师定特定午餐并为这名学生服务。
[07:59.77]4. Work alone. 4. 独立练习
[08:03.60]Sandy is telling her father about her trip to Japan. Listen carefully and mark the following statements True or False. Sandy正在告诉他的父亲她去日本的旅行。仔细听并标出下面陈述的对错。(听力练习)
[09:17.66]Section D D部分
[09:20.23]1. Work alone. 1. 独立练习
[09:23.00]Listen to Miss Wang’s speech about the spring field trip to Mount Tai and fill in the blanks. 听王小姐关于春游泰山的演讲并填空。(听力练习)
[10:32.00]3a. Grammar focus. 3a. 语法重点
[10:35.36]Infinitives 不定式
[10:37.81]I have some exciting news to tell you! 我有个振奋人心的消息告诉你们!
[10:42.00]But it will take us a few days to get there by bike. 但是骑自行车去那里将花费我们几天时间。
[10:47.00]Helen, your task is to find out the cost by bus. Helen,你的任务是找出乘坐公交车的花费。
[10:52.76]I want to make a room reservation. 我想要订房间。
[10:56.73]Miss Yang told us not to ask our parents for the money. 王小姐告诉我们不能问父母要钱。
[11:02.79]Why don't we put on a show to raise money? 我们为什么不表演短剧募集资金呢?
[11:07.00]Kangkang helped us (to) book the train tickets. 康康帮助我们订火车票。
[11:11.45]3b. Useful expressions. 3b. 常用短语。
[11:15.87]Let's find out some information about the cost. 我来找找有关花费的信息吧。
[11:20.71]My pleasure. 我的荣幸。
[11:22.67]Have a good trip! 旅途愉快!
[11:24.86]May I have your name and telephone number, please? 请告诉我你的名字和电话号码。
[11:29.21]Some schools come up with great ideas, such as "King or Queen for a Day". 些学校想出一些极好的主意,比如“一日国王”或“一日王后”。
[11:36.37]I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 希望听到你的消息。





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