八年级下册英语课文朗读仁爱版Unit1 SectionB-unit6unit7unit8

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八年级下册英语课文朗读仁爱版Unit1 SectionB-unit6unit7unit8



Unit 5 第5单元
Topic 2 I’m feeling better now. 话题2 我现在好多了。
[03:55.31]Section C C部分
[03:58.00]1. Read and understand. 1. 阅读理解。
[04:01.81]March 1st 三月1日
[04:04.49]Dear Xiao Fang, 亲爱的小芳,
[04:06.43]How time flies! I miss you very much. How I wish to visit you! 光阴似箭!我非常想念你。我多想去拜访你啊!
[04:13.53]Several months ago, I was a stranger here, you know. 几个月之前,我在这里还是个新人,你知道的。
[04:17.81]At that time, I was really upset and lonely. 那时,我真的很不开心也很孤独。
[04:22.51]What’s more, I couldn’t sleep as well as usual. 而且,我不能像通常那样睡觉。
[04:26.58]I was not used to everything here. 我不适应这里的每件事。
[04:29.86]I thought the roads here were not so clean as those in our hometown. 我觉得这儿的路不如我们家乡的干净。
[04:35.40]The food was not as delicious as ours, either. 食物也不像我们的一样美味。
[04:40.00]It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. 同时感觉人们对我也不很友善。
[04:45.26]But now, everything has changed. 但是现在,事情改变了。
[04:48.40]With the help of my teachers and classmates, I’m getting used to the life here. 在我的老师和同学们的帮助下,我开始适应这里的生活。
[04:55.00]I’m not afraid to talk with others not. 我不再害怕和其他人聊天。
[04:58.00]My classmates all accept me. 我的同学都接受了我。
[05:00.79]I live as happily as before. 我和之前有一样开心。
[05:04.00]Please give my best wishes to your parents. 请待我想你的父母问好。
[05:07.43]Yours, Li Hong 你的,李红
[05:10.57]5. Class activity. 5. 课堂活动。
[05:13.79]Sing this song. 唱歌。
[05:16.29]It’s a Small World 世界很小
[05:18.65]There’s a world of laughter, a world of tears. It’s a world of fun and a world of tears. There’s so much that we have share and it’s time we’re aware. It’s a small world after all. It’s a small world after now. It’s a small world after all. It’s a small world after all. It’s a small, small world. There is just one moon and one golden sun and a smile means friendship to everyone. Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it’s a small world after all. (歌曲)
[07:28.65]Section D D部分
[07:32.31]1a. Read and understand. 1a. 读一读并理解。
[07:36.69]Dealing with Sadness 应对伤心
[07:39.18]Nobody can be happy all the time. 没有人能永远开心。
[07:42.27]You may become unhappy sometimes, for example, when you fail an exam; or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends. 你有时会变得不开心,比如当你考试不及格的时候,或者当你失掉朋友的时候,你会变得伤心。
[07:56.15]It’s normal to have these feelings. 有这些情绪很正常。
[07:59.17]If you don’t know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff. 如果你不知道如何应对这些问题,你可以从Jeff身上学习。
[08:06.45]Jeff almost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car accident. Jeff在他哥哥死于交通意外时几乎疯掉了。
[08:13.00]He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. 他拒绝和朋友们一起去踢足球,看电影。
[08:18.00]Instead, he just sat in his bedroom and didn’t talk to anybody, even his parents. 相反地,他只待在自己卧室里不和任何人讲话,甚至是他的父母。
[08:26.65]Jeff felt that the world was unfair. Jeff感觉世界不公平。
[08:30.00]He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother, even though it was an accident. 他对那个开车撞了他哥哥的司机很生气,尽管那时一起意外事故。
[08:38.00]After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. 几个月以后,Jeff看是理解生气没有用。
[08:44.44]Now he still misses his brother, but he doesn’t hate the driver any longer. 现在他仍然想念他哥哥,但已不再恨那个司机了。
[08:51.44]He is beginning to talk to his parents and that makes them happy again. 他开始于他的父母聊天,这让他们又开心了起来。
[08:57.58]He no longer stays in his room by himself. 他不在自己待在自己的房间里。
[09:01.54]Instead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends. 相反地,他和他的朋友去看电影或者做运动。
[09:07.68]He is feeling better now. 他现在感觉好多了。
[09:10.58]2. Work alone. 2. 独立练习。
[09:14.00]A. Listen to the students’ problems, and match their names with the “feeling” words. A. 听学生们的问题,然后匹配他们的名字和“感觉”单词。(听力练习)
[10:18.36]B. Listen again and match the students’ feelings with the advice above. B. 再听一遍并匹配学生的感觉和上面的建议。(听力练习)
[11:19.00]3a. Grammar focus. 3a. 语法重点
[11:22.78]Adverbial clauses of reason 原因状语从句
[11:26.00]She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. 她正在浴室哭,因为她英语考试考得很糟糕。
[11:32.00]She feels very busy because she has no friends to talk with. 她感觉很繁忙,因为她没有朋友聊天。
[11:38.26]I'm feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 我真的感觉很伤心,因为我英语考试失败了。
[11:44.70]Equal comparison 同级比较
[11:47.15]I live as happily as before. 我和以前一样开心。
[11:50.56]Qiqi is as lovely as I. 琪琪和我一样可爱。
[11:54.29]But I am not as/so brave as Qiqi. 但是我没有琪琪勇敢。
[12:02.17]3b. Useful expressions. 3b. 常用短语。
[12:06.72]Anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗?
[12:09.00]What seems to be the problem? 到底是怎么回事?
[12:12.00]She is very strict with herself. 她对自己要求非常严格。
[12:15.00]Take it easy. 放轻松。
[12:17.00]There, there! It'll be OK. 好啦!好啦!那就好。
[12:20.16]How time flies! 时光似箭!
[12:23.00]I was not used to everything here. 我不适应这里的每件事。
[12:27.00]Don't be afraid. Follow the dentist's advice. 不要害怕。遵从音声的建议。




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