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Unit 6 第6单元
Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs? 话题2 去探索明皇陵怎样?
[06:04.18]Section C C部分
[06:06.09]1a. Read and understand. 1a. 读一读并理解。
[06:10.57]After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, Kangkang, Michael and Darren arrived at the Ming Tombs. 在他们骑了两个半小时自行车之后,康康,Michael和Darren到达了明皇陵。
[06:21.46]The parking lot was full of tour buses, cars, taxis and bicycles, so they had to look for space to park their bikes. 停车场都是游览巴士,汽车,出租车和自行车,所以他们很难找到空间停他们的自行车。
[06:32.12]After they parked their bikes, they walked through the passage into Dingling and were sueprised at the wonders. 在他们停好自行车之后,他们穿过甬道进入定陵,对这些奇观感到很惊叹。
[06:40.90]Darren took out his camera and wanted to take some pictures, but Kangkang stopped him and said, “No photos here.” Darren拿出他的相机并想要拍些照片,但是康康阻止了他并说,“这里不允许拍照。”
[06:50.00]As they were exploring happily, the crowed of people became larger and larger. 由于他们正在探索令人高兴的事,人群越来越大。
[06:56.32]While the crowed were pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren’s toes. 人群把Darren挤得东倒西歪,还有人踩了他的脚。
[07:03.82]“Ouch! Don’t push!” he shouted. “哎呦!不要推!”他大喊。
[07:07.45]When Darren finally pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight. 当Darren最终退出了路,他注意到他的朋友不见了。
[07:15.33]He was too frightened to know what to do. 他很害怕不知道做什么。
[07:19.42]His heart was beating fast. 他的心跳得很快。
[07:22.23]Slowly he walked toward a huge rock beside the road and sat there sadly. 慢慢的他朝着路边的大石走去,悲伤的坐在那里。
[07:30.00]He didn’t raise his head until someone called him. 直到一些人叫他他才抬头。
[07:34.42]It was Kangkang. 他是康康。
[07:36.25]“Oh, Darren! There you are! It’s great to see you!” “哦,Darren!你在那里!真高兴见到你!”
[07:41.54]As soon as the three boys say each other, they all jumped up and down happily. 三个男孩看到彼此之后,他们都高兴地跳上跳下。
[07:48.39]2. Work alone. 2. 独立练习。
[07:51.26]Listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音并填空。(听力练习)
[08:35.40]Section D D部分
[08:36.88]1a. Read and understand. 1a. 读一读并理解。
[08:41.26]Sunday, March 28th sunny 星期日,三月28日 晴
[08:46.57]It was a fine day. 今天天气很好。
[08:49.00]Darren, Kangkang and I got up early in the morning. Darren,康康和我很早起床。
[08:54.15]Then we rode to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes and backpacks. 接着我们检查完自行车和背包之后骑车去了明皇陵。
[09:00.00]After two and a half hours, we arrived at the Great Palace Gate. 两个半小时以后,我们到达了宏伟的宫殿门口。
[09:06.00]In the old days, even officials had to get off their horses to walk. 古时候,即使官员们也不得不下马步行。
[09:11.59]But now we just paid 30 yuan and then rode our bikes along the 7-kilometer Sacred Way. 但是现在我们只要花费30元就能沿着这个7公里的道路游览。
[09:19.32]There are many stone animals along the way. 路边有很多石头动物。
[09:23.30]I like them very much, especially the Qilin. It stands for peace in China. 我非常喜欢它们,尤其是麒麟。它在中国代表和平。
[09:31.55]After we had lunch, we climbed up the Dragon and Phoenix Gate to take pictures. 在我们吃过中饭忠厚,我们爬上了龙凤门拍照。
[09:38.70]That was a big mistake. A guard came and shouted at us to get off. 那是个大错误。一名守卫过来冲我们呼喊让我们下来。
[09:45.66]We all felt frightened, so we got on our bikes and rode quickly toward the Tombs. 我们都感觉害怕,所以我们带上我们的自行车并快速的骑向皇陵。
[09:52.56]While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost. 当我们在愉快的探险的时候,我发现Darren走丢了。
[09:58.12]Kangkang and I were very worried. We looked for him everywhere. 康康和我非常担心。我们到处找他。
[10:03.48]We even asked a guard for help. 我们甚至向守卫求助。
[10:06.70]Thank goodness! We found him at last. 谢天谢地!我们最后找到他了。
[10:10.22]We were so excited and happy when we met again. 当我们再次见面的时候非常激动和开心。
[10:14.62]What a special trip! 好特别的旅行啊!
[10:18.00]2a. Grammar focus. 2a. 语法重点。
[10:20.81]Adverbial clauses of time 时间状语从句
[10:24.80]While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 你在愉快地游玩时,我正忙着准备考试。
[10:31.47]When he arrives, I'd like you to meet him. 当他到的时候,我想要你见见他。
[10:35.73]Before he comes, would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing? 在他来之前,你能帮我制订一个游览北京的计划吗?
[10:41.70]As they were exploring happily, the crowd of people became larger and larger. 由于他们正在探索令人高兴的事,人群越来越大。
[10:48.68]He didn't raise his head until someone called him. 直到一些人叫他他才抬头。
[10:53.76]As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily. 三个男孩看到彼此之后,他们都高兴地跳上跳下。
[11:01.00]Then we rode to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes and backpacks. 接着我们检查完自行车和背包之后骑车去了明皇陵。
[11:08.00]2b. Useful expressions. 2b. 常用短语。
[11:13.00]It would be great fun. 这将是很大的乐趣。
[11:15.70]It's about two and a half hours by bike. 乘自行车要花费两个半小时。
[11:20.00]It's in/on/to the north of Jilin. 它在吉林的北部。
[11:30.89]Don't push! 不要推!
[11:32.65]It's great to see you! 看到你很高兴!
[11:35.29]We couldn't help watching them. 我们忍不住看着他们。
[11:38.44]They walked through the passage into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 他们穿过甬道进入定陵,对这些奇观感到很惊叹。





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